The Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC)
is an umbrella body of Civil Society Organizations working
in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi.

The Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC)
is an umbrella body of Civil Society Organizations working
in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi.

CISONECC is network organization for coordinating civil society initiatives for climate change management and disaster risk reduction. Established in 2008 and registered with the government of Malawi under the Trustees Incorporation Act, NGORA and CONGOMA as a Non Governmental Organization.


CISONECC is made up of diverse range of Local and International Non-Governmental Organisations and Faith Based Organisations, as well as Networks and Associations working in climate change and disaster risk management (DRM) in Malawi. These are autonomous organisations with aspirations related to climate change and DRM and have unified responsibility to contribute to the network’s objectives through collaborative efforts.


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Client 6
Plot No. 49/2/446/2, Area 49 New Gulliver, Church Close Street, Opposite Good hope Private Clinic, Lilongwe.


The National Coordinator
Civil Society Network on Climate Change
P. O. Box 1036

In Solidarity for a Climate Resilient Malawi

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